Thursday 19 January 2012

Tips healthy recipes

Tips to Create Healthy Recipes

Tips to Create Healthy Recipes

By Dr. Daisy Sutherland

Eating healthy doesn't have to be a chore. It doesn't have to be difficult either.

All it takes is planning in advance and some basic knowledge of nutrition. Planning a week's worth of meals is also the best way to create dishes you can be proud of, while keeping the cost and time commitment to a minimum.

Below I will share 4 Simple Tips to creating healthy recipes you and your family will enjoy.

Tip #1

Using convenient appliances such as microwaves and my favorite, a slow cooker you will save yourself a huge amount of time when planning and preparing meals. There are many delicious and nutritious meals that can be started in the morning and left to cook all day in a crock pot or slow cooker.

A microwave comes in handy when you prepare your meals ahead of time and all you need to do is re-heat and serve. There are many microwavable healthy meals you can make at home and single serving microwave safe containers allow every member of the family to eat on their own schedule.

When planning your meals for the week, be sure to use a chart and display in your kitchen for the family to see. A great tip - plan the quickest and easiest to prepare meals for the busiest days of the week.

Tip #2

One of my favorite tips is to get your family involved in creating the week's meal plan. Ask for their input and make a note of everyone's favorite meals..this will help increase their interest in healthy eating right away.

Don't stop there! Get your family involved in the preparation of the meals as well. Younger children can help by setting out the dishes, chopping vegetables and clearing the table. While the older ones can help in the cooking and learning to cook all at the same time.

Tip #3

Cook large quantities of healthy food recipes and freeze the left-overs. This routine will not only save you time but will also save you money. Consider cooking large amounts of stews, soups, chili and casseroles. Remember when freezing leftovers to clearly label the containers. Using freezer tap and permanent markers will save the guessing games. Be sure to keep the oldest foods near the top to avoid having to throw away expired items.

To help with the cooking of large quantities, stocking up on meats when they are sale will be very helpful and another great way to use that valuable freezer space. A great way to stretch your dollar is to stock up on frozen foods such as chicken, turkey, ground beef, steaks, roasts, chops and the list is endless. Making this part of your routine will enable you to make healthy meals and save you money as well.

Tip #4

Keeping a well stocked pantry is as important as keeping a well stocked freezer. The preparation of healthy meals will be much easier when you have a good supply of staple items like canned vegetables, canned fruits, soup stocks, sauces, dry pasta, beans and rice. Stocking the pantry will also save you money and keep you from running to the grocery store when you need a particular item for your recipe. Keeping your eyes open and aware of store sales will make it easier to stock up on the staples.

Some great staples to stock up on are whole grain cereals, pastas, tomato sauce, baked beans, canned salmon, canned tuna, dry and canned beans. You can also purchase breads on sale and freeze for future use.

Keeping such staples on hand will definitely make it easier to whip up a healthy meal your family will enjoy.

Dr. Mommy (aka Dr. Daisy) is a Doctor of Chiropractic by profession, wife, mom to 5 beautiful children, freelance and content writer, speaker and Health/Wellness Advocate. Her passion is to teach the public how to live healthier and happier lives. Visit her site for health tips: Dr. Mommy Health Tips

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